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Day: February 10, 2017

Health Benefits of Custom Orthotics Insoles

Health Benefits of Custom Orthotics Insoles

Health Benefits of Using Custom Orthotics Insoles

Orthotic insoles also known as orthotic inserts refers to the devices put in the shoes to create the desired functionality. The ideal goal of the doctors using orthotics insoles is to create the semblance of normalcy in the patient as he or she engages in her duties. Natural functionality of the feet is the cardinal goal of orthotic insoles or inserts.

image of orthotics insoles

Natural balance of the body can be affected by over-pronation resulting in instances of heal, knee and lower back pains. Poor foot biomechanics often result in undesired body functionality. Orthotic insoles are instrumental in that they correct the deformity that may arise from poor biomechanical balance. Customization of the orthotic shoe inserts or insoles is a sure way of increasing the chances of the individual correcting the defects in his or her feet.

image of orthotic shoe inserts for high heels

Plantar fasciitis refers to the inflammation of the heel. The affected area in the instance of inflammation is the plantar fascia. This is a ligament that joins the heel bone to the toes. The main role of the ligament is to absorb any shock that may be witnessed during running. The nature of the ligament reduces its elasticity. The ligament does not have the ability to elongate. This nature of the ligament often preempts the inflammation. In the event that one places too much traction on the foot, there is a risk of developing micro tears which are often painful and inflamed.

As an individual places more traction on the heel, there is a high chance that he or she will develop a heel spur. A heel spur refers to the growth that can either occur at the underside of the heel bone or the front. The location of the heel spur is dependent on the side from which the plantar fascia is pulled. Heel spurs arise from the calcification of the heel bone and are not the main causes of the pain that the patient feels after applying too much traction on his or her feet. The main source of pain is the inflammation that occurs.

Plantar fascia pain tends to be felt more in some instances than in others. In most instances, the patients experience intense pain during the immediate after-hours of their sleep. Any instance of rest results in higher pain hence a patient can also experience pain if his or her normal working environment entails pronged sitting. Prolonged periods of rest often result in the shortening of the tissue including plantar fascia.


Orthotic insoles have the ability of correcting the impact of prolonged use of the plantar fascia and flat foot condition. It is important to note that the orthotic inserts are not synonymous with the heel cups and spongy inner soles. The commercial versions of the footwear enhancing devices are only meant to create a sense of comfort. However, the orthotics have the ability to create biomechanical correction of the foot soles that have plantar fasciitis.


image of making custom insoles

The operation of the orthotic insoles is based on the common functionality of the feet. In most instances, orthotic insoles support the arches and create a situation that is accommodating for the realignment of the ankles. In most instances, the abnormal look of the foot arches can go unnoticed more so if one is observed while standing or sitting.

However, the real issue with the individuals manifests when weight is added to the foot. Using flat feet orthotics inserts reduce the uptake of the tension that would have been otherwise taken in by the arches and the plantar fascia. Temporary reprieve of the feet from body weight as one walks allows the inflammation to subside hence increasing the comfort when walking or shying body weight from one leg to the other.

Orthotics range from custom made to standard. Most people often opt for the standard orthotic insoles as a way of correcting their plantar fasciitis. Common reasoning when making this decision is mainly based on the cost of the standard orthotics the customized ones. However, this reasoning is often flawed. Finding the most comfortable orthotic insert ought to be priority. Customized orthotic inserts have the ability to correct the individual problem that the person could be facing to an extent that the standard issue could not. In order to ensure high level of success, the customized orthotics inserts ought to be worn throughout when walking. Therefore, bare padding in the bedroom has to wait till the biomechanical correction of the plantar fascia is complete.